01 - 03 March 2013, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil III

Sasol Museum tree installation & Slee Gallery Exhibition

Anni Snyman, PC Janse van Rensburg, Andrew van der Merwe & friends will be setting up another 'Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil' installation at this year's Woordfees festival in Stellenbosch as part of the 'HIERNAMAALS • HEREAFTER' exhibition taking place at the Slee Gallery.

'Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil III' installation to be set up at the Woordfees 2013 Festival. Anni Snyman, PC Janse van Rensburg, Andrew van der Merwe & friends.

This year's water installation is symbolic of tears, whilst drawing attention to the vital nature of water as the MATRIX of life. Mankind's reckless treatment of water through processes such as fracking, amongst many others, is threatening the future sustainability of our land and it's natural water resources.

The installation extends the symbolism of 2012's apple installation that drew attention to the abuse of the feminine, to include our culture's destruction of the natural, our land base, mother earth - the life force itself.

'Boom van Kennis van Goed en Kwaad II'. Woordfees 2012 installasie deur Anni Snyman, PC Janse van Rensburg en vriende.

'Boom van Kennis van Goed en Kwaad II'. Woordfees 2012 installasie deur Anni Snyman, PC Janse van Rensburg en vriende.

The 2013 installation will start on Friday 1 March, continuing through the nights to hang approximately two thousand bags of water by sunrise on Sunday 3 March. Andrew van der Merwe, a famous South African sand calligrapher, will complete the artwork with a design around the base of the tree. At 15hoo on the 3rd, a performance will offer the water back to the tree that has so patiently carried our installation.

JOIN US: 1st to 3rd of March, The Sasol Museum
Closing performance: 15hoo, 3rd March
Slee Gallery exhibition opens at 17hoo

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